Child Prosthesis
We have experienced this a lot professionally, so give your child a chance.
In child prostheses, it is important whether the limb is lost from birth or after a trauma. Based on this pre-criteria, the child's age and gender, and regular follow-up during the process is another important dimension. The child needs to have a prosthesis as soon as possible (among my experiences, we have had arm and leg prosthesis applications for 12-14 months).
Even if it is not a very functional prosthesis, it is necessary to introduce the child to the prosthesis at the earliest age and have it applied; facilitating the prosthesis acceptance process in the future.
Since child prostheses change with a faster chronology compared to adult prostheses, just like children's clothes or shoes, the growth time period should be calculated and applied correctly.
Correct preparation of the socket and joint compatibility are, of course, indispensable for child prostheses.
Prosthetic Use in Children
After the adaptation process, with new technology products designed with the comfort of children in mind, we are now helping children (especially those who are active and doing sports) to stay ahead of their peers and competitors in competitions by providing a high level of contribution. With a socket made in the best way for the child who uses a proper prosthesis, the child can continue his life, walks and sports activities without interruption. Thus, it becomes easier for amputee children to go for long walks, stand up more, bend over, play games, run and jump.